Conscious Living

I have nothing to sell you. Nothing here that is “new”. I invite you to set aside your spiritual concepts and second-hand knowledge, that you may abide wholeheartedly in the fullness of your own true Self.  – Shambo ~ Mark

The Beautiful Enigma. Written December 15, 2024. Reflections on the mysterious journey of self-discovery and the beauty within life's unfolding.

Abiding In Sanctuary Upon First Awakening

~ January 3, 2024

Over the years sanctuary has been very helpful upon first awakening. Let us devote as best we can, as much or as little time as necessary. For the element of time is needed until it is not and it is best utilized to ensure that our 24 hours ahead is embodied with strength, purpose, care, love, and divine inspiration.

It is not of critical importance the specific way in which we chose to honor this sacred, devotional time upon awakening. Only that the time be given to place attention upon the unseen, the unspoken, the divine in whatever context is most meaningful and inspiring for us. That it may blossom and flower with its petals throughout our day. That its fragrance of strength, peace and wisdom may permeate our speech, our actions and all that we do.

Whether by prayer, meditation, a walk in nature or even as simple as a few conscious breaths. We surrender all to the grand intelligence that orchestrates galaxies and feeds even the sparrows. Can it not direct our steps, thoughts and deeds to a much higher plane?

Picture of Shambo


Shambo ~ Mark D. Hulett is an American born spiritual teacher and nature enthusiast from Southwest Georgia who freely shares his own experience of spiritual awakening, conscious living, Self-discovery and recovery from addiction.
