Conscious Living

I have nothing to sell you. Nothing here that is “new”. I invite you to set aside your spiritual concepts and second-hand knowledge, that you may abide wholeheartedly in the fullness of your own true Self.  – Shambo ~ Mark

Compass on Mossy Rock

The Heart’s Longing For Divine Guidance

~ January 4, 2024

Childlike trust in the divine activates immaculate forces unseen. Yet this faith without works (intelligent, surrendered action) is dead. Be continuously led with the deep, inner promptings. For they are your soul’s compass given by none other than love itself to guide you on your journey here.

Cultivate, nurture and remain steadfast upon that conviction spoken of by the Christ. While our present circumstances may be bleak and dark, our hope is in light itself. How could we stumble? How could we fall when we are promised such enduring companionship?

Whether man, woman, boy or girl, the human heart longs for the divine father. A strength personified that is immutable. An uncompromising rock-like truth within. It wavers not in the moment of compromise and doubt. It is unshaken upon the shores of truth and wisdom.

A wisdom that is both enlightening and full of compassionate understanding. A sure footedness upon the shifting sands of time. Oh weary child, take the hand of this father within when you are weak in spirit. Taste and see that his wisdom and truth is not nourishment to the marrow of your bones.

For it would give you wings to soar and eyes to see that of which mortal men do envy.

Picture of Shambo


Shambo ~ Mark D. Hulett is an American born spiritual teacher and nature enthusiast from Southwest Georgia who freely shares his own experience of spiritual awakening, conscious living, Self-discovery and recovery from addiction.
