Conscious Living

I have nothing to sell you. Nothing here that is “new”. I invite you to set aside your spiritual concepts and second-hand knowledge, that you may abide wholeheartedly in the fullness of your own true Self.  – Shambo ~ Mark


The Voices of Fear & Love

~ September 30, 2024

Fear shouts, “Protect the fortress of the heart.”
Love whispers, “There is always more… give this away.”

How often in our own lives have we let fear dictate the spontaneous expression of genuine love and care for another? Perhaps we fear we’ll be misperceived, rejected, or that there will be no reciprocation or acknowledgment from the other.

If fear is present, it should be a reminder that our love and compassion have not yet matured into the flower that cannot help but blossom and burst forth with its radiant bloom. Perhaps it is not even love, but a bargaining chip our ego is using to selfishly exploit another for our own gratification. If that is true, fear will indeed be present.

But if this love is genuine and arises from our innermost being, from our pure heart, courage will instead be present. A courageousness not from the mind, not even of this world. When this strength is there, love flows freely because it comes from an endless reservoir of truth deep within us.

Perfect love does indeed cast out all fear. May we love truly, courageously and without fear this day when spontaneous love arises. For in doing so we strengthen that which needs no fortress within. For we are hidden like fine pearls amongst this mighty love.   

Picture of Shambo


Shambo ~ Mark D. Hulett is an American-born spiritual teacher and nature enthusiast from Southwest Georgia. With nearly 20 years of sobriety, he shares his journey of spiritual awakening, conscious living, and Self-discovery, along with insights from his recovery from addiction. Through heartfelt reflections, he inspires others to embrace authenticity, compassion, and connection to their true selves.
