Authentic Discernment Is Not Judgement
~ February 22, 2024
Authentic discernment is not judgement. It is God given wisdom. Tried and true life experience to clearly see beyond the veil of surface appearances of everything and everyone.
I really don’t judge people. No matter what they say or do. Especially, what they say.
I’ve always been a powerful observer of everything in my world, without even trying. Over time folks will show you exactly what and who they are and what they value most in life by where they place their attention, adulation and energy.
If it doesn’t align with the path you’re on, move on in silence and love and do not look back.
Your hanging out, around or giving these folks another ounce of your time, attention and energy is impeding your own growth and progress.
Trust your discernment. It is your soul’s compass moving you towards the circle of love that will give you wings to soar.

Shambo ~ Mark D. Hulett is an American-born spiritual teacher and nature enthusiast from Southwest Georgia. With nearly 20 years of sobriety, he shares his journey of spiritual awakening, conscious living, and Self-discovery, along with insights from his recovery from addiction. Through heartfelt reflections, he inspires others to embrace authenticity, compassion, and connection to their true selves.