Conscious Living

I have nothing to sell you. Nothing here that is “new”. I invite you to set aside your spiritual concepts and second-hand knowledge, that you may abide wholeheartedly in the fullness of your own true Self.  – Shambo ~ Mark

Saint George Slaying the Dragon Statue - Berlin, Germany

Being Still, I Had Stopped Running

~ January 17, 2024 – Consecutive Day 6,946 Clean & Sober

Being still, I had stopped running and behold I discovered a courage and strength unimaginable.

I sat bravely, boldly and fearlessly in my own darkness and miraculously I discovered;
That I was THAT light of awareness itself that illuminates both light & dark allowing it ALL to be seen. 

Picture of Shambo


Shambo ~ Mark D. Hulett is an American born spiritual teacher and nature enthusiast from Southwest Georgia who freely shares his own experience of spiritual awakening, conscious living, Self-discovery and recovery from addiction.
