Conscious Living

I have nothing to sell you. Nothing here that is “new”. I invite you to set aside your spiritual concepts and second-hand knowledge, that you may abide wholeheartedly in the fullness of your own true Self.  – Shambo ~ Mark

Writer set on the dark stone table

Love Letter To Humanity

~ March 25, 2024

Please stop mirroring the insanity and shallowness of trending, popular culture for temporary, fleeting approval and quick gratification. What the world needs now more than ever is brave men and women to courageously step into their own awakened authenticity. 

To bravely walk their own lines of just, compassionate truth. Both within and without. With unwavering authenticity. To love. To be smart. To be brave. To be compassionate. To be creative. To be themselves.

We are never too far gone for this love to lift us up. Summon now this redemptive love with a simple smile from your very own heart. When you do you’ll begin to taste its sweet, mighty, graceful elixir with its power to redeem.

Fear is a liar. The thief that told us to cower, stay silent and behave like the rest. Listen not to its loud yet hollow words and they’ll soon subside to an inner melody, a song of sweetness that has been whispered to us for all of eternity.  Trust love because it will take us all home to our very own hearts.  

Picture of Shambo


Shambo ~ Mark D. Hulett is an American born spiritual teacher and nature enthusiast from Southwest Georgia who freely shares his own experience of spiritual awakening, conscious living, Self-discovery and recovery from addiction.
