Spiritual Awakening & Conscious Living

Shambo One Mark D Hulett One Shambo 2024
Welcome to the sacred space of Shambo ~ Mark, where we explore the profound journey of spiritual awakening, conscious living, and self-discovery. Drawing from nearly 20 years of sobriety, my own awakening experience, and the teachings of influential spiritual figures like Christ, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, I share heartfelt reflections and insights that inspire authenticity, compassion, and courage.

This site offers a collection of my own writings that delve into the depths of love, fear, transformation, and personal recovery from addiction, inviting you to embrace your inner light, which is your natural state of wholeness, and to connect with the universal truths that unite us all. Join us on this journey toward wholeness, where together we cultivate a life rich in meaning, fulfillment, and spiritual growth.

– Shambo ~ Mark

Shambo's Writings On Spiritual Awakening, Conscious Living, Self-Discovery & Recovery From Addiction.

We Are This LOVE

Conscious Relationships

The Voices of Fear & Love

Fear shouts, “Protect the fortress of the heart.” Love whispers, “There is always more… give this away.”

How often in our own lives have we let fear dictate the spontaneous expression of genuine love and care for another? Perhaps we fear we’ll be misperceived, rejected, or that there will be no reciprocation or acknowledgment from the other.

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Compass on Mossy Rock
Self Discovery

Prayerful Affirmations On Love & Hope

Today I will allow the divine to show me the many ways that goodness still exists in and all around me. That there are others just like myself who are surrendered to and guided by divine principles of love, unselfishness, kindness and compassion. 

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Sacred Advaita Vedanta
Advanced Teachings

Attractor Patterns, Viewed Through The Spiritual Lens

Attractor patterns, viewed through a spiritual lens, offer a fascinating insight into the dynamics of manifestation and personal growth. In spiritual teachings across various traditions, including Christianity, Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoism, and general spirituality, attractor patterns are seen as energetic frequencies or states of consciousness that influence what individuals attract into their lives.

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Divine Father Love
Advanced Teachings

Understanding Divine Father Energy

The divine father energy is much, much more than the embodiment of the physical father. The divine father’s energy is protector, strength, unfailing compassion, support and sweet love that longs to care for and provide for our every need and guide us in wisdom down the path of life.

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Writer set on the dark stone table
Self Discovery

Love Letter To Humanity

Please stop mirroring the insanity and shallowness of trending, popular culture for temporary, fleeting approval and quick gratification. What the world needs now more than ever is brave men and women to courageously step into their own awakened authenticity. 

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wildflowers in spring mountains at sunrise
Advanced Teachings

Our Own Heart’s Natural Rhythm of Contentment

When our lives are dominated by the continual satisfaction of unbridled, selfish desires this only leads to more desire. This is the surest way to suffering and discontentment. To desire a thing is not wrong in itself. But to think that the fulfillment of that desire will add to us in some fundamental way and make us more complete and whole is the error.

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Moonlight, moon on a dark night behind trees
Self Discovery

The Truth About AI

Their AI models could never replicate our authenticity. Our creativity. Our hearts. Our passions. Our wisdom. Our real life experiences.

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Milky Way and man on the rock. Galaxy, Universe
Advanced Teachings

Fear, The Author of Division

Fear is the author of division, confusion, discord and disharmony for all of mankind. Be watchful and discerning of those who would intentionally seek to sow fear unfounded into you.

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Advanced Teachings

Knowing THIS Love Is Able

Authentic spiritual awakening is not creating some blissful bubble of indifference to exist in, apart and untouched from the despair and suffering of humanity. Although in the beginning it can certainly feel that this is so.

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Shambo - Mark Teachings
Advanced Teachings

Abandoning The Polarity Traps

You will reach a point in your awakening when you will be instinctively moved and made acutely aware that to progress any further, you must begin abandoning and laying down these deeply ingrained “polarity traps” of light vs. dark, good vs. bad, wrong vs. right, etc..

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wildflowers in spring mountains at sunrise
Conscious Relationships

Our Own Heart’s Garden of Love

We had experienced so much lovelessness and loss in this world that we at some point, either knowingly or unknowingly, vowed to ourselves that we would spend the rest of our lives creating spaces like gardens of love in our OWN hearts. 

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Message in a bottle
Self Discovery

Home Is In The Pure Heart ~ Message In a Bottle

There is nothing more painful, chaotic and disturbing than for an awakened one to disavow their knowing of truth. To discard the rare gift of clarity of seeing in exchange for short-lived approval in culture is always a sharp thorn to the soul.

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Sacred Advaita Vedanta
Self Discovery

Bring Spirit… Mind & Body Will Follow

It’s easy to remain committed to our spiritual practice when we are in pain or contrarily when we feel deeply inspired. We meditate, pray and take good care of ourselves intuitively during these periods.

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White feather heart and roses
Conscious Relationships

On Desire & Its Antidote of Gratitude

Let us speak on desire. Desire is neither good nor bad. Let us not think in these terms of moral polarity much longer. For a thing is either helpful, life enhancing to one’s true nature of peace and harmony or it is not.

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Conscious Relationships

The Gift of The Holy Mirror

In those sacred moments do you not realize that you are peering directly upon a most holy mirror? In this true seeing, reflected in the other, divinity has so gracefully asserted, “look here dear one, now see in this seeming other, what miraculous mysterious thing is deep within you too”. For just as you can not see your own face save its reflection, bow now before the rare holy mirror seen only as you peer into the other.

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Prayer beads rosary with wooden cross closeup.
Self Discovery

Our Evolving Prayer Life

Do not underestimate the power of prayer. For sincere, effectual prayer is the hallmark of every miracle, every saint and being of light that has ever walked the earth.

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Hands, meditation with zen and burning sage for cleanse, spiritual and light for healing and balanc
Self Discovery

Abiding In Sanctuary Upon First Awakening

Over the years sanctuary has been very helpful upon first awakening. Let us devote as best we can, as much or as little time as necessary. For the element of time is needed until it is not and it is best utilized to ensure that our 24 hours ahead is embodied with strength, purpose, care, love, and divine inspiration.

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Arctic Wolves. White wolf in Winter Forest
Self Discovery

Lessons From Loss – Behold My Father & Mother Within Me

For it is in a flash, perhaps milliseconds, yet truly it is outside of time, that years of our life’s experiences flash before us. Gracefully revealing what some of us already knew. There was always higher purpose at work. Always. Always. Yet now grace has said… here – see, Know.

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Dragonfly Mark D. Hulett
Self Discovery

Being of Sober Mind & Body

In my own experience, to be truly sober or sober minded means to be free from the influence of the unhealthy. This could be substances, people, inner thought streams, destructive addictive behaviors, or any influence that carries us away from our natural state of beautiful being.

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Self Discovery

FAQ on Nondual Teachings and Terms

I have compiled answers to a handful of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) I often get about my writings and talks in which I by nature interchangeably use language that is common to the traditions of Nonduality, Vedanta, Christianity and Zen Buddhism. 

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Miracle sky
Self Discovery

ACIM (A Course In Miracles) – A Profound Impact

One such teaching and series of writings which did have a rather profound effect on me at the age of 21 was ACIM (A Course In Miracles). It was Marianne Williamson’s “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles” that first prompted me to explore the Course itself more intimately.

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Self Discovery

Awakening The Sleeping Giants

Our world as many of us once knew it, began to change drastically in 2020. We witnessed what many of us can only now, fully acknowledge as the beginnings of an advanced eroding cycle of community, connection and in many aspects even hope itself.

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Advanced Teachings

Maps To Awakening | The Map Isn’t IT

If we are devoted to our awakening in its purity more than we are attached to the comfortable experience of “cerebral spiritual knowing” about spirituality these pointers will gently be laid to rest naturally.

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