Shambo's Writings On Spiritual Awakening, Conscious Living, Self-Discovery & Recovery From Addiction.
We Are This LOVE
On Not Knowing
Written January 21, 2025. Reflections on surrendering to divine flow and releasing the mind’s illusion of control.
Resting in the Freedom of the Self
Written December 21, 2024. A reflection on the priceless, pristine nature of awareness… and the gentle reminder to return to our childlike essence… the doorway to true freedom.
To Be In Love With Love Itself
Reflections on the purity of love and its selfless, ever-giving nature. Explore how love transcends romantic notions and flows naturally, asking for nothing in return.
Love, The Power Reserved for the Brave
Love, The Power Reserved for the Brave. Written December 16, 2024. Reflections on the transformative strength found in vulnerability and the courage to embrace authentic love.
The Beautiful Enigma
The Beautiful Enigma. Written December 15, 2024. Reflections on the mysterious journey of self-discovery and the beauty within life’s unfolding.
From Numbness to Grace: Embracing Life’s Messages in Sobriety
From Numbness to Grace: Embracing Life’s Messages in Sobriety Written December 6, 2024 Inspired reflections on the grace discovered in transmuting intense emotions.
Love IS Freedom
Love IS Freedom – Written December 5, 2024. Inspired writing on the hallmarks of a great love, which are aliveness, freedom, and exhilaration.
Melting In The Warm Winter’s Sun
Melting In The Warm Winter’s Sun – Written On December 4, 2024. Inspired prose on simply allowing and being as we are. Letting go of our own and other’s concepts of who or what we are. In doing so we melt into the freedom of love itself.
The Dance of Embodiment
The Dance of Embodiment – Written On December 3, 2024. Inspired prose on being gloriously, fearlessly present in your own life.
The Stirring of My Elements
The Stirring of My Elements. – Written On December 2, 2024. Inspired prose on being inspired, in love with love itself, experienced as the other.
The Purpose of Life & The Mahatma (Great Souled): Awakening You to Your Authentic Self 🌟
The purpose of life and your teacher(s) is to awaken you. It is not necessarily to love you as you might imagine, although there may be great love.
The Voices of Fear & Love
Fear shouts, “Protect the fortress of the heart.” Love whispers, “There is always more… give this away.”
How often in our own lives have we let fear dictate the spontaneous expression of genuine love and care for another? Perhaps we fear we’ll be misperceived, rejected, or that there will be no reciprocation or acknowledgment from the other.
Prayerful Affirmations On Love & Hope
Today I will allow the divine to show me the many ways that goodness still exists in and all around me. That there are others just like myself who are surrendered to and guided by divine principles of love, unselfishness, kindness and compassion.
The Sacred Dance of Transformative Love
We all long for an authentic, powerful, transformative love; yet we still want to remain in control. These two are not compatible. For love is its own master.
Attractor Patterns, Viewed Through The Spiritual Lens
Attractor patterns, viewed through a spiritual lens, offer a fascinating insight into the dynamics of manifestation and personal growth. In spiritual teachings across various traditions, including Christianity, Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoism, and general spirituality, attractor patterns are seen as energetic frequencies or states of consciousness that influence what individuals attract into their lives.
Understanding Divine Father Energy
The divine father energy is much, much more than the embodiment of the physical father. The divine father’s energy is protector, strength, unfailing compassion, support and sweet love that longs to care for and provide for our every need and guide us in wisdom down the path of life.
On Authentic Friendship – Understanding Is Love’s Other Name
Authentic friendship is rare and is a graceful form of love. It IS a LIVING thing that requires attention, kindness, compassion and sustained mindfulness to nourish it and keep it flowering.
Discernment – The Clear Seeing of Ourselves, Others & Everything As It Is
Very often when we hear the term discernment in spiritual context and even in religious circles, we like to think of it as some magical gift of seeing what is hidden. And while seeing the hidden can indeed be one characteristic of discernment, there is a much deeper, multifaceted truth about discernment. And it’s this;
Love Letter To Humanity
Please stop mirroring the insanity and shallowness of trending, popular culture for temporary, fleeting approval and quick gratification. What the world needs now more than ever is brave men and women to courageously step into their own awakened authenticity.
Our Own Heart’s Natural Rhythm of Contentment
When our lives are dominated by the continual satisfaction of unbridled, selfish desires this only leads to more desire. This is the surest way to suffering and discontentment. To desire a thing is not wrong in itself. But to think that the fulfillment of that desire will add to us in some fundamental way and make us more complete and whole is the error.
The Liberating Truth of Being Authentic
One of the most empowering and liberating truths of practicing unwavering authenticity and self-honesty with others is this;
Spring Wildflowers Are Like The Hope Inside of Us
Wildflowers are like the hope inside of us. And it is in our long, barren winters that we long most for their graceful return.
Overcoming The Pull Back Into Our Own Darkness
As we grow ever more aware of this wakefulness which alone we are, there will be seasons in which the pull back into our own darkness and wounds of unconsciousness feels immense.
The Truth About AI
Their AI models could never replicate our authenticity. Our creativity. Our hearts. Our passions. Our wisdom. Our real life experiences.
Authentic Discernment Is Not Judgement
Trust your discernment. It is your soul’s compass moving you towards the circle of love that will give you wings to soar.
The Truth About Social Media and Its Impact On Both Mental & Spiritual Health
I knew it was happening. I think we all did. Perhaps in our loneliness we let it. I’ve met so many beautiful souls on social media, people I’d love to have coffee with, hike with, ride on the back of my motorcycle or just have an innocent, deep conversation with.
Fear, The Author of Division
Fear is the author of division, confusion, discord and disharmony for all of mankind. Be watchful and discerning of those who would intentionally seek to sow fear unfounded into you.
Knowing THIS Love Is Able
Authentic spiritual awakening is not creating some blissful bubble of indifference to exist in, apart and untouched from the despair and suffering of humanity. Although in the beginning it can certainly feel that this is so.
Being Wise Custodians of This Energy
To continue ascending to higher and higher levels of consciousness and to fully heal our own selves, we must also learn to become very wise custodians of this life force energy.
Shame & Guilt, The Precarious Captors & Moving Up On The Scale of Consciousness
I was first introduced to the profound works of Dr. David R. Hawkins around 2004 by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer whom I met personally in Savannah, Georgia and had followed since I was 17 years old.
Abandoning The Polarity Traps
You will reach a point in your awakening when you will be instinctively moved and made acutely aware that to progress any further, you must begin abandoning and laying down these deeply ingrained “polarity traps” of light vs. dark, good vs. bad, wrong vs. right, etc..
Relationships Are The Laboratory of The Soul
Relationships are the laboratory of the soul. Yet we approach them in a thousand ways that prevent their intended alchemy from truly transforming us into more conscious, whole and loving beings.
Being Still, I Had Stopped Running
Being still, I had stopped running and behold I discovered a courage and strength unimaginable. Consecutive Day 6,946 Clean & Sober.
Darkness The Invited Stranger Here
Some of us have experienced so much darkness that we have befriended it in ways that no longer serve our path forward.
Properly Using The Power of Belief
In our seasons of darkness and doubt we continually remind ourselves that goodness, good people and kind heartedness still do exist, even in this world.
The Necessary Recontextualization of All Relationships Post Awakening
Following self realization and our awakening, the dynamic of family and close interpersonal relationships can be one of the most challenging domains to operate in.
Our Own Heart’s Garden of Love
We had experienced so much lovelessness and loss in this world that we at some point, either knowingly or unknowingly, vowed to ourselves that we would spend the rest of our lives creating spaces like gardens of love in our OWN hearts.
Home Is In The Pure Heart ~ Message In a Bottle
There is nothing more painful, chaotic and disturbing than for an awakened one to disavow their knowing of truth. To discard the rare gift of clarity of seeing in exchange for short-lived approval in culture is always a sharp thorn to the soul.
Bring Spirit… Mind & Body Will Follow
It’s easy to remain committed to our spiritual practice when we are in pain or contrarily when we feel deeply inspired. We meditate, pray and take good care of ourselves intuitively during these periods.
On Desire & Its Antidote of Gratitude
Let us speak on desire. Desire is neither good nor bad. Let us not think in these terms of moral polarity much longer. For a thing is either helpful, life enhancing to one’s true nature of peace and harmony or it is not.
The Gift of The Holy Mirror
In those sacred moments do you not realize that you are peering directly upon a most holy mirror? In this true seeing, reflected in the other, divinity has so gracefully asserted, “look here dear one, now see in this seeming other, what miraculous mysterious thing is deep within you too”. For just as you can not see your own face save its reflection, bow now before the rare holy mirror seen only as you peer into the other.
Our Evolving Prayer Life
Do not underestimate the power of prayer. For sincere, effectual prayer is the hallmark of every miracle, every saint and being of light that has ever walked the earth.
The Heart’s Longing For The Divine Father & Divine Mother
Whether man, woman, boy or girl, the element of the human heart longs for the divine father as well as the divine mother, For this world of duality is made manifest in the unseen forces and inherent polarity that exists between the two.
The Heart’s Longing For Divine Guidance
Childlike trust in the divine activates immaculate forces unseen. Yet this faith without works (intelligent, surrendered action) is dead.
Abiding In Sanctuary Upon First Awakening
Over the years sanctuary has been very helpful upon first awakening. Let us devote as best we can, as much or as little time as necessary. For the element of time is needed until it is not and it is best utilized to ensure that our 24 hours ahead is embodied with strength, purpose, care, love, and divine inspiration.
Quieting The Echoes of Our Deeply Ingrained, Conditioned Self-Criticism Mechanisms
As we grow, evolve and transcend along our paths. When we have bravely, fiercely and courageously met, examined and slain our own inner demons. We are alas confronted with the remnant echoes of all of our critics within.
Lessons From Loss – Behold My Father & Mother Within Me
For it is in a flash, perhaps milliseconds, yet truly it is outside of time, that years of our life’s experiences flash before us. Gracefully revealing what some of us already knew. There was always higher purpose at work. Always. Always. Yet now grace has said… here – see, Know.
Letting Go In 2024 – On Bodily Death, Birth, Dying and Living
It’s the last day of 2023, as I write this and my heart is a bit heavy, but all is well, nevertheless. In my own experience I’ve come to trust and know that in God’s world there are no mistakes.
On Intuitive Boundary Setting, Shame & Shaming
I was first introduced to the profound works of Dr. David R. Hawkins around 2004 by Dr. Wayne W. Wayne Dyer whom I met personally in Savannah, Georgia and had followed since I was 17 years old.
Authentic Self-Realization Is Not FOR The Person, It Is Freedom FROM The Person
One can never encapsulate in its immensity of expression the pure natural state into a being or individual personality by means of will, coercion or force. But left to its own intelligence and spontaneous nature, once surrendered to, will perfectly express itself through the individual but never as a person.
Being of Sober Mind & Body
In my own experience, to be truly sober or sober minded means to be free from the influence of the unhealthy. This could be substances, people, inner thought streams, destructive addictive behaviors, or any influence that carries us away from our natural state of beautiful being.
FAQ on Nondual Teachings and Terms
I have compiled answers to a handful of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) I often get about my writings and talks in which I by nature interchangeably use language that is common to the traditions of Nonduality, Vedanta, Christianity and Zen Buddhism.
ACIM (A Course In Miracles) – A Profound Impact
One such teaching and series of writings which did have a rather profound effect on me at the age of 21 was ACIM (A Course In Miracles). It was Marianne Williamson’s “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles” that first prompted me to explore the Course itself more intimately.
On Falling In love and Being Love
If you’ve ever fallen deeply in love, and who among us hasn’t? You would know that your whole perception of the world suddenly shifts to a much higher vibrational plane.
Awakening The Sleeping Giants
Our world as many of us once knew it, began to change drastically in 2020. We witnessed what many of us can only now, fully acknowledge as the beginnings of an advanced eroding cycle of community, connection and in many aspects even hope itself.
A Message To The Pure In Heart | ALL Is But A Dream
You need not be confounded by this message. Only the purest in heart can receive it. If you struggle to decipher it, know that it was not written for you.
A Form of Godliness But Denying The Power Thereof | Wisdom & Instruction From Saint Paul The Apostle
When taken and applied as instruction and guidance in the context of today’s spiritual communities and vast proliferation of spirituality the meaning is both enlightening and advisory.
Gracefully Letting Go | Understanding The Energy Dynamics of Intimate Relationship
Very often the toughest decision you will ever make is to walk away from someone or a relationship not because you don’t love them anymore but because you finally… through grace and more often than not deep pain and suffering, glean the required inspired insight to be set free.
On Perception & Clear Seeing | Wiping The Mirror Clean
Our perceptions are so powerful. How we interpret things on automatic which is deeply ingrained in our subconscious and psyche not only colors the world we see… it creates it as well.
Maps To Awakening | The Map Isn’t IT
If we are devoted to our awakening in its purity more than we are attached to the comfortable experience of “cerebral spiritual knowing” about spirituality these pointers will gently be laid to rest naturally.
Castles In The Sand | Discourse On Relationship
(Part One of a Multi-Piece Writing on Delusion, Illusion, & Dysfunction In Modern Romantic Relationship) I would pick wildflowers for my mother as a young teen during the summers I spent with her in Alabama. She had left my sister and I with my dad to raise when I was just 5 years old.
Christ’s Two Greatest Commandments
I grew up in the Christian church like lots of folks. I actually came very close to becoming an ordained minister in my 20s. My heart was for Christ and will always will be but my own observations and experience with the inauthenticity of much of institutionalized Christianity pushed me in other directions.
Selling Water By The River
While gurus and teachers can all be essential catalysts for one’s awakening to higher levels of consciousness the serious aspirant should exercise due diligence to ensure the teaching and teacher actually bear the fruits of awakened mind and heart.
Source Is Within
In my early twenties when I first got clean and sober my sponsor and original spiritual mentor George S. would tell me often, “they’re not your source”.
Waiting To Be Discovered
I remember spending most of my young adult life waiting for others to acknowledge my gifts, depth, and authenticity. I longed for someone to discover me.